martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

Post N° 10:English Language Challenges


In this last blog I will write about my experience in English university.

Since I entered to study arts at university I had English classes. The english of the university me remember the language, such as vocabulary, speak, to write, and to understand what they tell me.

It`s very important to know english! because this language is present in all media, as TV, movies, radio, commercial, internet, etc.
That`s why blogging was very helpful, writing on a topic helps you to work with the language.
What I was most impressed were Julieta blogs, she writes a lot of jajaja and they are very good! I remember a gif that comes out of the Frozen movie :D...let it go ♬ you know, Juli things!

It`s fun to read the blogs, One reads many different opinions on the same topic, such as what they want to do in the future, travel, favorite, foods, songs, etc...Many dreams, desires, experiences that remain in "the world of the internet".
Blogs helped me write better. So writing is not hard for me, but peaking in English is difficult for me. I find it difficult to say my idea and to understand`s very difficult! The people that I know and who speak English, learned in a country that speak that language.
My mother learned English because she lived many years in Australia, so I practice whit her. Sometimes at home we speak in English, beacuse sometime I`m very tired. In summer I will tell you to always speak in English.

This is all... have a good year`s end!

martes, 6 de diciembre de 2016


Link 1)...Score: 5/7
Link 2)... Score: 5/7
Link 3)...Score: 4/5


Link 1) ... Score: 6/7
Link 2)... Score: 5/6


Link 2)... Score: 29/33

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

Post N° 9: Changes to my study programme


In this post I will write on a very important topic...the changes to my study programme

The bachelor´s degree in plastic arts at the University of Chile is very practical. It has many hours of workshops such as paiting, engraving, textiles, ceramics, drawing, etc. It gives more importance to the "task" than to the theory.
Theoretical classes are very important!
They help you to have a more critical mind and to create your own hypothesis of the work that you are executing.
The more knowledgeable part of  theory helps you to have better syntax, wording, insight and coherence on the subjetc you are planting.

That is why the teaching method should change.
Less hours of practical classes to be able to add even more theoretical classes.
I also find that there is need to reform the curriculum grid of the career.
Well, apart form having more hours of theoretical classes and less of practical classes they should focus the career to the labor scope as corator, restoration, pedagogy, cultural management, advertising, among other, so that they can develop as an artist and in turn to work in something related to the area. It would also be excellent if work practices were included in the study pensum, so the labor insertion would not be so traumatic
The use of technology and the improvement of the infra-structure help to improve the curriculum.
Having a large computer room and good projectors in the classroom help the student´s performance, because he has more access to the internet to work, and the teachers can do a more complete class with a good projection image of his thematic to teach.

And on the infrastructure... I find that it is the most beautiful faculty of the University of Chile <3

martes, 22 de noviembre de 2016

Post N°8: Summer Plans


In this post I'll talk about what I would like to do in summer.
Just leaving Santiago is the best plan. Every summer I go to Guaylandia beach wich is very quiet, beautiful, relaxing and fun.

I´ve always wanted to travel south! Thinking about going to Chiloe is my dream, but I have to earn some money to pay the university.
Well, staffs to be student...later on I´ll travel a lot!
In summer I would like to go south........Must be very beautiful! One of my dreams is to travel all around and know all the beautiful places that there are, such as Pitrufquen, Frutillar, Chiloe, Puerto Montt, Valdivia...even I would like to live in Valdivia!
Chile really has very nice places to know.

I would like to take many photos of the landscape and try a lot of  food! My sister told me that the eggs are very delicious... I would love to eat bread with egg! mmmmm it must be very delicious for brekfast.
Also the homemade jam must be very good, that I like very much. My favorite one is the blackberry jam with toast.
Breathing another air and getting to know other cities is a good thing for people. You have to take advantage of going out and seeing different thing,..enjoy it if you can, do it!

So for now I´ll not travel,  but I have in my future plans go far south!

martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016

Post Nª7: My favorite Piece of art

I like many pieces of art, but I will write about Vladimir Kush's paiting. He inspired himself in Salvador Dalí
He is a surrealist artist who paints like dreams...really are beautiful! He expresses many stories and metaphors. In his works there are butterflies, animals, flowers, food, everyday object, plants, etc. use them in another way.

I really like this painting from the metamorphosis collection... it's wonderful! It's like being in a dream.
The brushstrokes are delicate and the composition is very good. The color help give the sensation of a dream.

The colors that caught my attention were the orange and blue mountains, because they contrast the pastel colors. Also the color red helps to give weight a that paiting. 
The clouds represent aerostatic balloons that are gently flying. These are painted in a way that gives the feeling of light.
I really like to see this painting, because it is very beautiful, has an atmosphere of tranquility, the colors are very good, the drawing is synthetic, the composition is accurate and the contrast generates depht.

A detail that catches my attentions is like a bird that is in the lake. Do not know what it may be even a stain. Also i like he moon, because is hidden and only the times if you look carefully.

I hope you have enjoyed this painting. He is an artist that is not very well known but works very well.

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016

Post N°6: Postgraduate Studies

First I want to finish the career and then get a job.
I would like to do postgraduate studies related to restoration, art therapy or pedagogical studies.

I really like it!

I could do postgraduate studies in Australia, because I was born there.
The embassy informed me that they could give me all the benefits to study in that country.
That country is very beautiful!
In the restoration area they are very good.
Their way of life is great. The standar of life is very high and they are use to receive people from all over the world.

One of the most important features of the Australian education system is the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), a national system of recognition of qualification. What favors foreigners who want to study in this country.
This should also be because it is a country that needs population, then attract young people to have new opportunities as life works, health, life in general.

I also like to make magister to work as a teacher at the university. It could be related to the arts or in the educational sphere, since I will have two titles: Bachelor of arts and education.

I love to teach!

It has a lot of responsibility and it is a difficult job, but what I like is that you can leave something important in the student.

martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

Post Nº5: My future Job

I would like to work as an art teacher.

This year I finish the degree of Bachelor of plastic art. Next year I start the pedagogy with the thesis...ufff will be with much study! but no matter because I really want to study that.
From the beginning we started with practice in schools. I like a lot!

I would like to work in artistc school, but I do not mind working in other schools because I`m interested in teaching.
Arts is very important in child development. Crafts help you develop fine motor skill has and it provides in its cultural knowledge.
I would like to take children to cultural tours, such as arts museums, interactive museum, neighborhoods with muralist, cinema, theater...and also picnic!
You learn a lot too out of the room. I think it is good to learn in the room, but also out to visit places fun cultural.

I also like the restoration area, but I would like to dedicate it has just that because I get bored. If I worked in that area I would also like to be teacher.
I like the archaeological restoration, painting and ceramic. It is very interesting and beautiful, because you recover part of the history of that object.

I like what I study and I want to work!

martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

Post Nº4: A movie you would recommend`



I like going to the cinema or watch movies at is much better with good company. 

I love watching movies with rich food, such as chocolate, popcorn, chips, cookies, caramel, etc.

The movies that I enjoy are the romantic comedies, because the stories are funny and nice. The movie that I like is 13 going on 30. 


 It is a girl of 13 has the dream of being an adult to work and have all the thing you want

On the day of his birthday his best friend gives her a small house with a "magic dust". By a series of bad events, she wants to be an adult and "magic dust" dust falls on the head. The next day she is a woman of thirty. 

But she realizes how hard it is to be an adult!

I do not know why she wanted to be have many responsibilities, such as paying bills, food, rent, have toy enjoy being a kid!

But I think that every age has its have to enjoy every stage.

You have to enjoy life and remember the goes very very fast to always think about the future.


martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

Post nº3: Pets

In 2014 I came to my house Nilo. He is a white cat with brown spots.

My younger sister was on the subway and offer a cat. She accepts the cat, but I knew that we could not have it in the apartment, because we had hamster, his name is Yuno. 
When I get home whit the cat, all loved it! Yuno and Nilo were friends.

Nilo is a very quiet cat. Very polite and likes to brush when you eat, that is funny...its is believed Sultan. 

He love that give chicken, beef or turkey in cat food. When Im cooking chicken always bothers me to give you, but I did not invite very often, because it could badly.

He loves the moth, flies, butterflies, spider, etc...the hunts and then eats. It makes me laugh "when it gets so hunter", because he gets serious and starts making a funny sound jajajaja. Nilo makes us laugh so much!
Sometimes attacks and bites our legs, because he wants to be taken care. He likes to take care! 
Always he attacks my sister, beacuse she does not give you much love, but with the soft bites, my sister does not hurt.

We love Nilo, is part of the family
He is the most spolied and beautiful cat!

viernes, 7 de octubre de 2016

Post n°2 : The best Holidays 

I think it´s not so important the place... the most special of the holidays is the people travel with you
One of the most beautiful vacation I ever had was on the beach with my best friends.
In the summer of 2015 we went to the beach Guaylandia. It is a very quiet and nice place. 
This community has places to play volleyball, basketball, football and tenis, there is also food area in front of the beach. It is very delicious food they serve! For example, in the menu are fried fish, lasagna, Frech fries, green beans with tomate, clams, conger soup, crab cake and many dessert.......but what is the most delicious hot chocolate! I like a lot when it starts to get cold.

It was very nice to walk along the beach to the rocks. We found quartz, shells and stones... very nice in there listening only the sea is very relaxing. But the sea is very strong and ice cream, we have to be careful.

Is the one most beautiful holiday I ever have in my life!

martes, 27 de septiembre de 2016

Post nº1 : A Country I`d like to visit.

I would like to travel to many countries, but the one that most want to know is Egypt. 
As a child I liked archeology, history and art of Egypt. When I was a child I just to read books abou history of Egypt.  I liked to read and look at pictures.

To travel to Egypt I would like to see the pyramids.
Giza pyramids are a few kilometers from Cairo, it is one of the most visited places in archeology.
I have always amazed me how this built the pyramids. Egyptains thought very well where to place each stone. It amazes me a lot!
I would also like to see the hieroglyphics, amulets, scarabs, camel, enamel jewelry, figurines and wall tiles respondents in interior wall.
Also one think that keep especially my attention is the food.
But what I do not like is that it must very hot.

I hope someday to visit that country, wich has a lot of history and very very good art.