martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

Post Nº5: My future Job

I would like to work as an art teacher.

This year I finish the degree of Bachelor of plastic art. Next year I start the pedagogy with the thesis...ufff will be with much study! but no matter because I really want to study that.
From the beginning we started with practice in schools. I like a lot!

I would like to work in artistc school, but I do not mind working in other schools because I`m interested in teaching.
Arts is very important in child development. Crafts help you develop fine motor skill has and it provides in its cultural knowledge.
I would like to take children to cultural tours, such as arts museums, interactive museum, neighborhoods with muralist, cinema, theater...and also picnic!
You learn a lot too out of the room. I think it is good to learn in the room, but also out to visit places fun cultural.

I also like the restoration area, but I would like to dedicate it has just that because I get bored. If I worked in that area I would also like to be teacher.
I like the archaeological restoration, painting and ceramic. It is very interesting and beautiful, because you recover part of the history of that object.

I like what I study and I want to work!

martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

Post Nº4: A movie you would recommend`



I like going to the cinema or watch movies at is much better with good company. 

I love watching movies with rich food, such as chocolate, popcorn, chips, cookies, caramel, etc.

The movies that I enjoy are the romantic comedies, because the stories are funny and nice. The movie that I like is 13 going on 30. 


 It is a girl of 13 has the dream of being an adult to work and have all the thing you want

On the day of his birthday his best friend gives her a small house with a "magic dust". By a series of bad events, she wants to be an adult and "magic dust" dust falls on the head. The next day she is a woman of thirty. 

But she realizes how hard it is to be an adult!

I do not know why she wanted to be have many responsibilities, such as paying bills, food, rent, have toy enjoy being a kid!

But I think that every age has its have to enjoy every stage.

You have to enjoy life and remember the goes very very fast to always think about the future.


martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

Post nº3: Pets

In 2014 I came to my house Nilo. He is a white cat with brown spots.

My younger sister was on the subway and offer a cat. She accepts the cat, but I knew that we could not have it in the apartment, because we had hamster, his name is Yuno. 
When I get home whit the cat, all loved it! Yuno and Nilo were friends.

Nilo is a very quiet cat. Very polite and likes to brush when you eat, that is funny...its is believed Sultan. 

He love that give chicken, beef or turkey in cat food. When Im cooking chicken always bothers me to give you, but I did not invite very often, because it could badly.

He loves the moth, flies, butterflies, spider, etc...the hunts and then eats. It makes me laugh "when it gets so hunter", because he gets serious and starts making a funny sound jajajaja. Nilo makes us laugh so much!
Sometimes attacks and bites our legs, because he wants to be taken care. He likes to take care! 
Always he attacks my sister, beacuse she does not give you much love, but with the soft bites, my sister does not hurt.

We love Nilo, is part of the family
He is the most spolied and beautiful cat!

viernes, 7 de octubre de 2016

Post n°2 : The best Holidays 

I think it´s not so important the place... the most special of the holidays is the people travel with you
One of the most beautiful vacation I ever had was on the beach with my best friends.
In the summer of 2015 we went to the beach Guaylandia. It is a very quiet and nice place. 
This community has places to play volleyball, basketball, football and tenis, there is also food area in front of the beach. It is very delicious food they serve! For example, in the menu are fried fish, lasagna, Frech fries, green beans with tomate, clams, conger soup, crab cake and many dessert.......but what is the most delicious hot chocolate! I like a lot when it starts to get cold.

It was very nice to walk along the beach to the rocks. We found quartz, shells and stones... very nice in there listening only the sea is very relaxing. But the sea is very strong and ice cream, we have to be careful.

Is the one most beautiful holiday I ever have in my life!